Welcome Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics to Chuffed.org

Today we’re releasing two new integrations on Chuffed.org: Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics. Here’s how you can use them to raise more funds:

Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel integration is perfect for those campaigners that are using Facebook Ads to reach new audiences and find donors. Here are two ways we recommend using the Facebook Pixel – Chuffed.org integration:

1 Tracking your campaign effectiveness

For most people running Facebook ads, they just boost a post and hope for the best. If you’re “reach” is 3,000 people, that’s good right? The problem with that is you have no real idea how many of those 3,000 people clicked through and how many of those people donated.

With the new integration, you can track exactly which of your Facebook campaigns resulted in donations – and exactly how much the donations were. That means that if you’ll be able to see exact return-on-investment results like:

  • I spent $250 on Campaign A and got $800 in donations;
  • I spent $250 on Campaign B and got $300 in donations

So, I better put more budget in Campaign A and turn off Campaign B.

2 Remarketing to visitors who didn’t turn into donors

Say you’re promoting your campaign via email, twitter, your Facebook page and other people are sharing it everywhere. Maybe 10% of the people who visit your Chuffed.org page will convert to donations. The other 90% though are the perfect audience to market to on Facebook. You can create a Facebook Ads audience out of visitors to your page that didn’t convert, and use them as to target your ads at.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool to track and understand your audience. Here’s three things that you can do with the integration.

1 Watch real-time visitors to your Chuffed.org page

You can see in real-time how many visitors are on your page, where they came from and what country they’re in.

2 See where your traffic is coming from

You can set up goal funnels and see how well traffic from different sources convert. This means that you can adjust your marketing accordingly.

3 Understand the demographics of your audience

You’ll be able to see how old your visitors are and their gender, as well as interests and other demographic data that Google provides.

If you’re ready to integrate Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics with your Chuffed.org crowdfunding campaign, head to these articles below:

Facebook Pixel Crowdfunding Integration

Google Analytics Crowdfunding Integration


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